Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year! My Decade in Review

Borrowed some of these questions from another blog. At the end of these questions is Andrea's Decade in Review, hope you enjoy!

1. What did you do in 2009 that you'd never done before?
Had a baby!

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don’t think I made one for last year and likely I won’t make one for this year either. I’m not too good at keeping up with them. Although I do plan on getting back to my pre preggo weight by April..yeah I’m aware that’s one year from when she was born.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
There were lots of babies born this year! There were 5 of us at school pregnant (one with twins). My cousin was also pregnant and gave birth in July. Numerous friends on Facebook were also delivering bundles of joy! It was a BABY year!

4. Did anyone close to you die?
My grandmother passed away 2 days after Astoria was born, it was very hard for me to not be able to travel to Oklahoma City for the funeral.

5. What would you like to have in 2010 that you didn't have in 2009?
A better grip on our financial stability.

6. What dates from 2009 will be etched upon your memory, and why?
Astoria’s well as the feeling of my water breaking..won’t forget either of those.

7. What was your biggest achievement of this year?
Staying married through our second year. We had many trials and tribulations but it all worked out and we are a stronger couple.

8. What was your biggest failure?
Not yet finding a job in an administrative position.

9. Whose behavior merited celebration?
My sister made it through the year as a single mother..I applaud her daily!

10. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Rex has his days but I still love him.

11. Where did most your money go?
The house, hospital bills, and daycare.

12. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Counting down the days until Astoria would be here and then she snuck in early.

13. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer?
a. happier
b. fatter (refer back to my resolution)
c. poorer in finances but richer in blessings

14. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Taken more trips.

15. How did you spend Christmas?
Thanks to my wonderful husband we made it to Oklahoma even through the blizzard to spend the day with my family. That morning however Santa visited us…I didn’t want Astoria to miss it even if she is just 8 ½ months old.

16. Did you fall in love with 2009?
We fell in love with a baby girl.

17. What was your favorite TV program?'s the list:
Flash Forward
Grey’s Anatomy
Biggest Loser

18. What did you want and get?
A healthy baby.

19. What did you want and not get?
Wow I can’t think of a single thing to put fabulous!

20. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 30 this year! All of my girlies and I went to Pete’s Piano Bar in Addison. That memory will last for a long time. I haven’t sang so loud or danced so hard in a long time! What a blast, I am blessed to have such great friends.

21. How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2009?
Haha, fit into anything that half way fits and looks decent..refer back to my resolution!

22. What kept you sane?
More like who..My mother, sister and Sara.

23. Who did you miss?
My family at any given point…it’s hard living away with a baby.

24. Who was the best new person you met?
I have two Megan and Amber..they both had babies this year and we have really become a support group for one another. I hope our girls are able to grow up together!

25. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009.
Parenting is not as easy as it should be. I know everyone told me it wouldn’t be easy but it has really been trying. There are times where I feel I have lost my sense of self and other times when I feel like I’m a new me, I’m a mom. I wouldn’t change it for the world!

Now my life this decade, a recap:
I rang in the New Year in New York City. The world was supposed to end and I was going to be in the center of it all. Thank goodness it didn’t happen. I was a sophomore at OU working on my Bachelor’s degree.

2001: I graduated in May and moved to Tennessee to work on my Master’s degree in Fisheries. What a change it was for me. This was first time I’d lived away from home other than a dorm room and I managed to move 12 hours away. In July Mere and I went to Europe for a 17 day extravaganza. Won’t forget that trip! Got a cat that August named Isabelle.

2002: Still living/working in Tennessee. Met friends I will have for a lifetime. Became Andrea, someone different than I ever was before. Way more outspoken than I had ever been. Wrapping up my coursework and began looking for jobs.

2003: Got another cat named Lilly. Graduated with my Master’s Degree and moved to Oregon to work for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Basically realized I’d never seen the Pacific Northwest and why not move there. Mom and I drove out there, found me a place to live and I started work all within a week. Traveled to Seattle on my own via the Amtrak along the Pacific Coast.

2004: Moved two times this year within the state of Oregon. Stopped working for ODFW and started working for the non-profit Nestucca/Neskowin Watershed Council.

2005: Funding for my job was severely cut and thus I realized I needed to find another job. Decided Oregon was a bit far away from my family so I began looking into a teaching job in Texas, a bit closer. Got a job in Garland, Texas at Ethridge Elementary as a 4th grade teacher. Fell in love with education.

2006: Bought my first ever new car. Started working on my Principal Certification. Met Rex and got engaged within 6 months time.

2007: Planned a wedding, went on an amazing honeymoon. I love cruises! Found out I was going to be an Aunt!

2008: Bought a house in February. Became an Aunt on May 1st. Spent a week at NASA for a teacher’s space week. Changed from teaching 4th grade to 5th grade. Found out I was pregnant on August 6th! Lost my grandfather in November.

2009: Finished my Principal Certification in January while 6 month pregnant (don’t recommend). Gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on April 5, 2009. Realized I was a mom at some point during the year. Battled torticollis, reflux, colic, and insurance companies until I was blue in the face. Lost my Grandmother 2 days after Astoria was born. Watched Olivia turn 1. Took Astoria through the torticollis journey and came out ahead of the game. Spent a wonderful Christmas with my family even with a blizzard.

Wow, what a decade it has been for me. I graduated from three different universities. I’ve traveled across the seas and through much of the western part of the United States. I got married, bought a house and started a family. I can’t imagine what the next decade will bring.

Happy New Year to all!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve....

This would be the reason I'm currently not in Oklahoma. We are however going to be able to celebrate over at Rex's parents house and maybe just maybe Santa will drop a few gifts off for Astoria here at her house even though we were scheduled to be at Nana's. Who would have thought we would see a white Christmas when just yesterday it was 72 degrees here?
I'm thinking there was a lesson in here for me somewhere...I know God likes to throw curve balls so that we rely on him to make it through the trials. I realize I am not the only one who will not be with my family tonight on Christmas Eve like I have been for the past thirty years but sometimes it's hard to remember when it hurts so bad to not be there. Just today I have grown stronger, I may not like it, but today God you have taught be to be grateful for us (Rex, Astoria and I) for we are safe in our cozy warm home today and will be snug as bugs in our bed tonight when so many out there will not have that opportunity. Thank you God for giving your Son for us to live the lives we do today.
Merry Christmas to all!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


So I think I'm finally done dress making for the Christmas season. I've officially made three dresses and I think she's set considering we're a week out from Christmas. So here's the debut of the last two and recap of one. I LOVE having a little girl!

One of my favorite pictures of her yet, my little model.
A horrible face but you can see those two bottom teeth coming in and the front of the dress.
Smiling at Daddy.
The second dress. Here blue eyes light up in this dress.
I saw this fabric at Hobby Lobby and it instantly became a favorite of mine :)
The back of the dress and how most of my pictures look these days as she is always on the move.

Better hurry Mom!
Yeah, Yeah I'm cute...

Miss Blue Eyes

Monday, December 14, 2009

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! The blog idea was created by MckMama at her blog.

My child is never needs me but when she does I am expected to be there. It was not me who gave her a leaf of lettuce tonight to keep her entertained while I made dinner. My sister has informed me she used to give Olivia stalks of celery..but that's her not me Monday to tell.

Worshiping the lettuce ;)
What can I do with this?

Yep, I have 2 teeth!

It was also not me who even though it was 67 or so degrees outside let my child go to Michael's and Hobby Lobby with no socks on because I hate fighting her to put them on.
And it really wasn't me who left the cat (Isabelle) outside tonight because she escaped through the garage door and refused to return. It was me however, who went and hauled her butt inside when I finally found her..but of course it wasn't me who still hadn't put socks on her daughter even though we were outside many times looking for the cat.
It also wasn't me who raided the candy bag tonight only to find (get upset) hard tootsie rolls left in the bag. Good for the diet, bad for the chocolate craving.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I love being crafty. I'm so happy my mother passed her skill on to me. This weekend I went to Canton for one of the biggest craft/flea market/garage sales in the state of Texas. While there I found this plain Jane snowflake that was just calling my name (with the help of a couple of friends, Megan and Amber, my mommy friends, helping me realize I needed it). The lady in the booth said it was an old Neiman Marcus Christmas decoration from the 1980's. I'm not sure how I'd certify this information but I like a good story none the less. So the snowflake came home with me.

Of course it couldn't stay in it's current shape it was much to plain...

So with a little craft glue and glitter this is the beauty it has become (I love it!). I know it's kinda hard to tell here but it's REALLY sparkly now:

Oh and today, it was cold here in Texas. Thank goodness for Sara who gave us this hat and mitten set (notice she'd already pulled off one of the gloves to get Mr. Duck, her favorite toy).

Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's Christmas Time

The stocking are hung, the tree is decorated, the music is are a few of the beautiful pictures taken so far this December.
Trying to climb everything....
Our wonderful family
Such a happy little girl (getting bigger every time I turn around).

Helping daddy put up the tree.
Daddy's little helper.
One of the Christmas dresses I made her and Olivia.
Pretty blue eyes...

Sitting just like her Great Grandpa used to.

Did you need me?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Physical Therapy

It's officially over. After going for so long I think I might just miss the 30 minute weekly drive to Rockwall...NOT! Tandy, our PT, said she is doing great. She can still see a tilt but only about 10% of the time. Of all the goals set for at 6 weeks old, the only one she didn't meet was the strength goal. Tandy was hoping to see her have symmetrical strength on both sides when held on her side (think flying sideways Superman). She is still stronger on her left side due to the torticollis. So we will continue working in that area here at home. She also mentioned we will continue to need to watch the tilt as she moves through major milestones here in the next 6 months...including walking (oh heavens). These are times when babies with tort typically regress back to the tilt. So we will continue to watch her and seek help if needed.

For tonight's fun activity we tried blueberries for the first time! She loved them:
We'll be EIGHT months old on Saturday! Can you believe it? I can't!