Sunday, February 20, 2011

First Haircut!

The time had finally come. At 22 months her hair was looking a little unkept. I headed to Cool Cuts for Kids, armed with my online coupon because they aren't cheap, and prayed we would not walk out with a mullet. I was glad I decided to go with them. I'm not sure she would have sat still at an 'adult' place.

She picked the red car.

Watching Barney on the TV.

She didn't really like the lady putting the water on her hair but she gave Astoria stickers and that helped keep her mind off of the cutting and the water.
My little girl all grown up with her BOB (no mullet here, yay!)

The back.

Still refusing to look at the camera.
Now that it's been washed a dried at home she has a few little curls that show up in the back which make it even more adorable!

February Snow and Valentine's Day

February came in with a vengeance. We had more snow in Dallas than had been seen in years. We missed a total of 5 days of school and that meant 5 days Astoria and I were home to entertain ourselves. The first day was a little scary. By the second day however we had gotten into a groove and I began to enjoy our time together. Here are a few highlights of our days.

This was Astoria's first real adventure in the snow. Last year she wasn't walking so she was limited to the area I sat her in. This year however she was ALL over the place.
Rex deciding he needed to 'show' Astoria how to make a snow angel. She was having none of it ;)

She did however love the snow.

She was even brave enough to pick it up and throw it.

How I managed to pass some of the time, a blanket tent.

We also managed to 'drive' around the house while wearing our Yo Gabba Gabba puppets.
Nana saved the day one day when a package showed up with fun stickers and cool clothes.

Love these Nana!
Mere and I made Valentines for the girls to take to school.

One of the cute outfits Nana made.

The other outfit. Looking like sisters here.

and how Olivia really smiles, haha.

January Recap

January was kind of a low profile month. We hibernated in the cold but when it was warm we were out of the house and headed to the Dallas Zoo with Megan and Madison. Astoria and I rode the DART, which she loved as always :)

The girls were quickly running up stairs and talking to the animals.

Megan always takes such good pictures. Getting them both to sit for this one was amazing.

One of my favorite new pictures of Astoria and I.

It's not too often I get cute pictures like this since she's often up at the crack of dawn, sometimes even before that but this one was too good to pass up :)