Saturday, December 13, 2008

20 Week Pictures!

20 weeks - Feeling Round!

Ultrasound at 20 weeks that really confirmed her little girl status!

I know, I know I'm behind. Today I'm actually 23 weeks along but life has been very busy! In 3 weeks time I actually feel bigger than I did at 20 weeks. She's an active little Toad in there these days. I'm pretty sure she'll come into this world purrring. Lilly still loves to rest on my belly. Here soon it's going to become too uncomfortable for her to do that anymore but for now we're okay. I'm not sure if I mentioned or not but Rex got to feel her kick one night. He was pretty ecstatic. Now he asks quite often if she's been moving. I read today Astoria can actually now hear outside sounds like an alarm clock, a police car and yes, even our voices. I have a pretty good feeling Rex will definitely take advantage of this.

I finished school this past week so now all I have to do is take my TExES Principal Exam January 31st and I'll be certified. I can't believe it's finally over. I'm not sure what I'm going to do to fill my time. Oh yeah, I remember, we'll be starting lamaze classes the second week in January going up until the last week in February. I'm still working part-time at Christopher and Banks until the end of February. I figured at that time I'll be ready to get off my feet at night. I like being there though and it does help with a little extra money here and there.

I have one more week of school left before Christmas break and I'm sure it's going to drag on forever. I'm really excited about being with the families this year for Christmas. It seems like things have been so busy I've missed out on some much needed family time. I fly OKC on December 22nd. Unfortunately Rex isn't going to be able to join us for Christmas this year up there. He has to work. Next year it will be a different story, I hope. We'll begin making our own traditions without losing the family traditions. By next year Christmas at the Johnson's will be quite exciting with two little ones running around (or at least one running, Olivia, and one crawling, Astoria). I can't hardly wait.

1 comment:

melissa said...

You look great, glad everything is going well! Congratulations on finding out it's a girl! Love the name.