Valentine's Day was a lot of fun this year. It was made a lot more fun by people I've never met.
Amy and I both participated in a Valentine Swap hosted by
Katie . Amy, seeing how I love to cook (or at least attempt) sent a lot of great things for Astoria and I to make cookies with for Valentine's Day.
So first we must make some room by loading the dishwasher. Well, I loaded she then crawled on top of the lid while I was turned around doing something else. Don't you just love how she cheeses. Nope, I don't know where her other sock is.
These are all of the things Amy sent for our adventure.
Next we cut the hearts out of the dough.
Amy, Astoria loved the card so much she crawled around with it for a long time. That is until she saw the cookies :)
After cooking we decorated them!
Amy also sent us a gigantic sucker. Being Astoria's first sucker she wasn't quite sure what to do. Once I showed her...
She had no trouble finding her mouth!
Next was a cookie, her very first cookie and icing. She again wasn't too sure about it at first. She was polite and ladylike for a moment....
Once I got the bib on her..well it was over from there.
Yep, I think we'll be able to handle that smash cake just fine in April!
Thank you Amy! It was a great day in part because of the wonderful gift you sent!